Inclusive Leadership Series: Elevating Diversity to Aid Business Recovery

On the 19th of May, we hosted a webinar with the Institute of Directors as part of our Inclusive Leadership series. The subject of the webinar was how to leverage diverse thinking to accelerate coronavirus recovery. We were thrilled to be joined by portfolio NED Paul Cleal OBE and our resident business psychologist, Rani Bains.

COVID 19 has caused many companies to go into ‘survival mode’. Already dealing with the impacts of disruption and Brexit uncertainty, many business leaders are trying to ensure stability, whether going through high growth to market stagnation. Under these circumstances, many organisations have put “nice to have” projects on ice, and unfortunately, D&I has suffered significantly as a result.

In this webinar, we discussed the need for Diversity & Inclusion to remain a key focus in business strategy, despite turbulent economics. Diverse ideas, generated by diverse people teams, that create a broader collective intelligence will be the key to successfully navigating new the new normal.

The discussion was rich with case-studies from our speakers giving situational diagnostics from the views of healthcare, FMCG, banking and technology sectors. The implications of entering ‘survival mode’ featured predominantly along with some key strategies, particularly the rail or sail analogy for process ananlysis, helping viewers understand how not run the risk of being unable to pivot within the structures yuo put in place. Business agility and reactiveness is key.

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